July 13th Update: Renk Hebrew Program
I've just got through and spoken to Megan. Aside from 150 bites (Megan) and 65 (Elizabeth) and a longing for more calamine

Today's Update from Gary F.:
Megan is pretty sick (fever & weak) and requests that her parents call after talking with a travel Dr. they know in Church. Elizabeth & others were taking Megan to the local medical clinic right after the call.
Please note, however, that this sickness has NOT been labeled as an emergency. It's clearly somewhat serious but Megan was also talking about going on Friday's boat trip. Elizabeth said it took her a couple of hours to get through on the phone network so it may be a somewhat nerve-racking return phone call.
In regular news, the tests are complete and all of Elizabeth's 10 students passed, with one getting a 100. Elizabeth was quite pleased.
Afternoon update from Jo:
Megan just phoned. At the clinic this afternoon she was diagnosed with malaria. It is a mystery how she has got this - she's on Malarone, she's sleeping under a net (and those 150 bites were apparently not mosquitoes but some other kind of bug). She has fever, headaches and tiredness. She's been advised to double her Malarone dose and rest. Meanwhile Fr Joseph, Elizabeth, and she plan to travel to Khartoum on Saturday - where he will arrange a further medical appointment. (Though Megan was impressed with the local clinic at Renk -in particular the lab examined her blood and came back with the result within half an hour). She needs our prayers. She is anxious, though she wasn't ready to contemplate leaving early at this point. According to the advice she's received, the increased Malarone should control it within the next 48 hours. Let's give thanks at least that this has happened on the day that Fr Joseph has reached Renk - though of course he has quite enough on his plate already. She has great confidence in his support. Let's all keep in touch over this. In Christ, Jo
From Megan's Mom:
Greetings from Megan's mother, Cathi McMurtry.7:30 p.m. CDT Megan called today and had just had a blood test taken and they diagnosed malaria. She has been taking her malaria medicine, and they told her todouble or triple her doses. She is planning to go to Khartoum with FatherJoseph tomorrow where they will do more checking. She vomited and had chills Sunday. Since they thought it was a stomach virus, she took medicine for that which only made her dizzy. She has felt incredibly weak and has aheadache--says she feels like her eyes will pop out. Information I got today from somewhere (?) said the high dosage should help her get better in about 48 hours. Please pray for her. The last we knew, she had not planned to leave early. Cathi McMurtry
Thanks for post. It’s really informative stuff.
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