I have received notice today via personal email of a new scholarly resource on Second Temple Jewish literature preserved in the Slavic Milieux. Developed by the scholars from the Theology Department at Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA), the resource provides original manuscripts, translations, and extensive bibliographies to a range of pseudepigraphical materials. To visit this on-line resource, click
The works available include the following:
Slavonic Life of Adam and Eve; Adam Octipartite; 2 Enoch; Sataniel Text; Apocalypse of Abraham; Testament of Abraham; The Ladder of Jacob; Joseph and Aseneth; Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs; Testament of Job; Life of Moses; Apocryphal Fragments about David, Solomon, and Elijah; Ascension of Isaiah; 3 Baruch; 4 Baruch; Pseudo-Danielic Fragments; Apocalypse of Zosimus; Ahiqar; The Word of the Blessed Zerubabell The Josippon; Palaea Historica; Interpretive Palaea; and Palaea Chronographica.
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