New RBL review: Holcomb, ed., Christian Theologies of Scripture
My colleague in theology, Dr. Jeff Hensley has written the treatment of Schleiermacher. Marshall comments: "Jeffrey Hensley gives a very useful descriptive summary of Schleiermacher’s understanding of Scripture from The Christian Faith §§127–32, which is couched in traditional terms of inspiration and authority but is nevertheless open to a fairly radical rejection of the traditional status of the Old Testament."
No matter how much people say Schleiermacher has been given a bad rap, I just can't help but see him as my enemy! Sorry, Jeff!

While I would not want to go so far as categorizing Schleiermacher as an "enemy" (and even so, we are called to love our enemies!), it is true that Schleiermacher viewed the Old Testament as the scriptures of Judaism and thus to treat them as Christian scripture in the same sense as the New Testament would ultimately obscure what he saw as the disjunction of Judaism and Christianity. If Schleiermacher had seen a greater continuity between Yahweh's covenant with Israel and the redemptive work of Christ, then perhaps the Old Testament would have functioned more normatively within his theology. Nevertheless, Schleiermacher continued to be informed by the Old Testament in interesting ways, for he continued to preach from it, especially the Psalms, and he retained distinctive Old Testament tropes and themes in constructing his Christian theology (e.g., his use of the three-fold office of Christ as prophet, priest, and king).
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