Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Former Student Elected Bishop

Sean W. Rowe, VTS class of 2000, was just elected today on the first ballot to be the next bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania. This will make him, when fully confirmed, the youngest bishop in the Episcopal Church. He is 32 years old.


Blogger King of Peace said...

A very capable man to be a Bishop in our church and I dare say the first Bishop in the Episcopal Church who learned Old testament from you dear professor.


Sat May 19, 09:25:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger spankey said...

he was my internship supervisor before i came to vts. i am excited for him and the diocese of nwpa. i great man in a great place.

Sun May 20, 01:03:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger All Saints Episcopal Church said...

A great day in the Kingdom, indeed! A millennial event from C2K.

Mon May 21, 09:30:00 PM GMT-5  

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