Prayers Requested for Prof. Brevard S. Childs

Welcome to the Wonderful World of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible! Enjoy these postings of resources, projects by my students, movies and images, links, reflections, humor, and other items related to teaching the Bible at a Flagship Seminary. This blog is interactive: You can add your comments and post your questions. Go ahead, it's fun...
I'm really sorry to hear that, Steve. Childs taught the Intro to OT class that I took at YDS and was the one told me to transfer to Princeton Seminary. I remember that in his intro class he had a wonderful way of summing up scholarly discussions and then breaking them down. A decade later, I still find myself trying to unpack the ideas from that intro class, which is more than I can say for many of my more "advanced" seminary and graduate courses. In my notes from the first semster I had circled the name "Dennis Olson" with a question mark because he the one scholar that Childs uncritically praised. Dennis ended up directing my dissertation at Princeton and proved to be a wonderful mentor. Thus, however indirectly, Childs played an important part in shaping my career. I wish him all the best.
Thanks for letting us know about this. I had not heard. Please keep us updated as you hear more news.
Jim Watts
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