Sad, Shocking News: Death of Dr. Michael Patrick O'Connor

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Shocking news indeed. Prof. O'Connor was passionate about many things, and he used that passion to positive effect. The conservations I had with him about ancient Hebrew verse were pleasant because they were animated. He was a man who cared.
I wonder whether his Esther commentary for the Hermeneia series was near completion or not.
We mourn his loss.
Thanks for posting these comments and the photo. Dr. O'Connor was a teacher of mine at CUA from 1998-2000. The Hebrew scholarly world has lost a giant.
Steve Cook (no relation to the owner of this blog site)
Asst. Prof. of OT
Johnson Bible College
Knoxville, TN
Michael was a great friend and teacher. I spoke to him on the phone only three weeks ago (while I myself was in the hospital recovering from back surgery) and he was his usual self (well-described in Jim Eisenbrauns' tribute). He didn't even know his condition at the time.
Michael had a great way with kids--he always took an interest in my children and could immediately connect with them. My family and I are deeply grieved at his passing.
Edward Chandler
Ph.D., CUA, 2005
John, you had asked about Michael's Esther commentary. According to the obituary sent out by Joseph Jensen at the CUA, he made a great deal of progress on it. I sure hope that this means that it can be published, if one of his students or another editor can work it up. It would be wonderful to have it available in print. ---SLC
Thank you, Dr. Cook for your posting and pictures. I love this one of you and Dr. O'Connor at Union, where you both guided me through my master's thesis.
He will be remembered fondly and well by all of his students.
Rev. Ron Serino
MDiv, UTS, 1996
Thank you for your warm words, Ron. ---SLC.
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