Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Passing of Dr. Ted Mauch

I've learned that one of my college professors of Hebrew Bible Dr. Ted Mauch passed away in his sleep on Sunday (August 19) in Cape Cod, where he spent his retirement years. He evidently died peacefully. In a coming post I'd like to say more about Prof. Mauch, who was a wonderful and unique teacher of the Old Testament, really an unforgettable figure. I am very thankful for having known him, and for having studied with him, if only briefly. It is hard to believe he is gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too had Dr. Mauch during my college years. He ran up to me after giving a lecture to present me with a turnip from his garden. He knew that I didn't eat in the dining hall, but cooked my meals. He was a wonderful professor, and really treasured every student. I always thought one could see God shining through his eyes. I was very sorry to hear of his passing.

Mon Aug 27, 05:55:00 PM GMT-5  

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