Sunday, November 11, 2007

Luther Bowl 2007, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Word has just reached me that our VTS football team, the Fighting Friars, achieved victory in one out of three games in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in our "Luther Bowl 2007." "Virginians Vanquish Union [Theological Seminary] (one third of the time) at Gettysburg!" For a short multimedia presentation, click here.

Update: Amy in my Hebrew class today reported that the play was quite physically rough up there! Ouch...


Blogger spankey said...

thanks for posting this!! go friars!

Sun Nov 11, 10:29:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger pmc said...

Go Friars!

Mon Nov 12, 09:44:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger King of Peace said...

Having attended VTS on an athletic scholarship (ask Dean Horne about this), I enjoyed my time as a Fighting Friar, jambed fingers, bruises and all. Thanks for sharing these photos. Go Friars!

Thu Nov 15, 07:02:00 AM GMT-5  

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