Neat Link: Advent Sermon by Frank Logue

A little while back, I received an email with a neat Advent link from the Rev. Frank Logue, a great former Bible student of mine, now a VTS alum, church planter in the Diocese of Georgia, and the vicar of King of Peace Episcopal Church in Kingsland, Georgia. Here is a brief excerpt from his Advent homily. (A link to his entire sermon, posted on the "Sermons that Work" website, follows after the snippet.)
Isaiah 40 comes into the crushing reality of defeat with a...word from God. In the midst of the distress created by their defeat in battle and deportation to a foreign land, God sends the prophet to call out, “Comfort, O comfort my people.” ...These were written as words of comfort to a people who had come to wonder if God cared for them. ...How can we account for all the chances and changes of this life, from child abuse to wild fires? Scripture does speak to those concerns, but one can have trouble hearing the voice of God in Scripture if the context for hearing the answer is wrong. Tragedy strikes; then we run to the Bible for answers. The text wasn’t designed to work that way. The Bible is not a troubleshooting guide for life. The Bible is God’s living word created to speak to your heart each day.
To read on, click here.
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