Thursday, March 19, 2009

An End-of-the-Quarter Book Signing

Here is Dean Markham's On-Line Commentary Yesterday:

Yesterday’s lunchtime forum was a delightful occasion. With ice-cream, cookies, and coffee, we celebrated the publications of two books. Dr. Stephen Cook’s delightful book Conversations with Scripture: 2 Isaiah was subject to a critique from Dr. Bob Miller. Then the Rev. Dr. Robert W. Prichard spoke about his latest book, Cohabitating Couples & Cold Feet: A Practical Marriage-Preparation Guide for Clergy. In his talk Bob spoke with humor and illumination about the evolution of his study of marriage.

Both of these books are intended to make a difference to clergy and churches. Although there is much in these books that is distinctive and based upon primary research, in the end they are not primarily written for the academy, but for churches. They are texts that make a difference to the challenge of preaching and pastoral care.

The authors made themselves available to sign copies of their books. So as the forum finished, it was good to see students leaving with copies of these books to read and study.


Blogger bencyjohn said...

i have my own views on god and i am trying to express it in my blog
pls feel free to come and comment

Fri Mar 20, 09:31:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is quite impressive, I am impressed every time I visit, just keep quality posts like this coming, you are awesome!

Sat Mar 21, 09:01:00 PM GMT-5  

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