Monday, March 23, 2009

Psalm 137 Music Videos, continued

I mentioned in yesterday's post the existence of more popular versions of Psalm 137. Students in my class mentioned Boney M's version, which Erich Zenger also mentions in his treatment of the psalms of divine wrath, A God of Vengeance? Here is the YouTube video:

The tune predates Boney M, going back to the Melodians, whom I have posted on previously (click here). Here is the YouTube Medodians' video:

My thanks to the visitor who commented on yesterday's post, and left a link to the YouTube video presenting Jimmy Cliff's acepella (plus drums) Reggae version. I'm not quite sure why Psalm 137 appears so conducive to a Reggae expression. Commments?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

both the ancient hebrews and the rastas are people in a strange land

Wed Mar 25, 03:15:00 AM GMT-5  

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