We have just published two new Bible Briefs to our Seminary Website (click
here). Both are excellent, and it was great fun to be the editor of each booklet. We have
1 & 2 Chronicles by Dr. Steven S. Tuell (click
here for PDF download) and the book of
Esther by Dr. Sidnie White Crawford (click
here for PDF download). Brief author bios appear below. Enjoy!

Dr. Steven S. Tuell is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. The recipient of numerous awards for teaching excellence, he is also a prolific author, whose works include a study of Ezekiel in the Harvard Semitic Monographs Series, a commentary on the books of Chronicles in the Interpretation Series, and most recently, a commentary on Ezekiel published by Hendrickson in 2008.
Dr. Sidnie White Crawford is the Willa Cather Professor of Classics and Religious Studies and Department Chair at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she also serves as Priest Associate at Saint Mark’s on the Campus. She has published extensively in the areas of Second Temple Judaism, feminist criticism of the Hebrew Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Update: Check out Dean Markham's commentary on this: click
here and select Friday, August 28, 2009.