Friday, October 02, 2009

New English Translation of the Septuagint

After many years (since the 19th century work of Lancelot Brenton), there is now a new English translations of the Septuagint: "NETS" = Pietersma, Albert, and Benjamin G. Wright III, eds., A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included Under That Title (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007; pp. xx + 1027).

Update: An online version is available free as PDF files: click here.

I understand that the textual base of NETS is the Göttingen Septuagint, and that where that work is not yet complete, the edition by Rahlfs (1935) is used. As for translation theory, it may be considered a modified NRSV.

I hope that the folks at BibleWorks will be able to get a license to incorporate this into the program! Accordance already has it as an add-on module. I had an email this morning that Dove Booksellers has the volume for about $27 (click here), but Amazon has it for $19 (use the link-box above).


Blogger jdarlack said...

The entire text of the NETS is available online at I too hope that BW gets a hold of this! Be sure to suggest it. They may be more inclined to pay the Oxford royalties if there's enough demand!

Fri Oct 02, 06:16:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger S and C said...

Many thanks for these links!

Fri Oct 02, 06:36:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger S and C said...

BibleWorks has given me the following response. They also wondered whether any users have created a user-database out of NETS, which they would be willing to share. I checked the BW-forums and did not immediately see one. Does anyone know of the existence of such a thing?
From BW: ...In the case of the NETS, we've not so far been able to negotiate a license for this version at a royalty which our customers would find acceptable.
We'll keep trying, but an agreement doesn't look imminent. (SLC: I'm not sure what "acceptable" means, since Accordance apparently does offer NETS and people are willing to pay for the add on.)

Mon Oct 05, 09:22:00 AM GMT-5  

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