We had a great symposium here in Rhode Island. I'm now at the airport waiting for my plane.

Here's the official title and list of presentations. All were great!
"Social Theoiy and the Study of Israelite Religion: Retrospect and Prospect"
The Ruth and Joseph Moskow Symposium; Program in Judaic Studies, Brown University
With additional support and co-sponsorship from Egyptology and Ancient West Asian Studies, Ancient Studies, and Religious Studies
Coordinator: Saul M. Olyan

(1) Perspectives on Past Work
Robert Wilson, "How has the Use of Social Theory by Scholars of Israelite Religion changed or not changed in the past 35 Years?"
David Wright (Brandeis University), "Robust Theory versus Scant Data: Using Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives in the Study of Biblical Ritual Texts."
William Gilders (Emory University), "Ritual, Ritual Texts, and Social Relations: How My Mind Has Changed."
(2) Contemporary Perspectives
Saul Olyan, "Theorizing Violence in Biblical Ritual Contexts: The Case of Mourning Rites"
Stephen Cook, "The Levites, their Social Organization, and the Nature of their Social Contexts"
Nathaniel Levtow, "Textual Production and Textual Destruction in Ancient Israel: Ritual and Political Dimensions"
Carol Meyers, "The Function of Festivals: Socio-Political Aspects of Religious Events"
Susan Ackerman, "Cult Centralization, the Erosian of Kin-Based Communities, and the Implications for Women's Religious Practices"
Ronald Hendel, "Prophetic Views of Israelite Ritual in the Light of Mary Douglas's Theories"
Tracy Lemos, "Cut Up and Put Out, Judean Diaspora and Postcolonial Theories of Gender and Migration"
Ruediger Schmitt, "Theories Regarding Witchcraft Accusations and the Hebrew Bible"
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Airport Connector Rd,Warwick,United States