Tuesday, October 03, 2006

VTS Convocation 2006

We're in the midst of the annual alumni convocation, and it's been a very full day. The first of the Zabriskie Lectures was delivered today by Bruce Lawence from Duke, speaking on Islam, Christianity and Pluralism in Java, Indonesia.

This morning my colleagues A. Katherine Grieb and Mitzi Budde gave two excellent faculty seminars. I would say over 80 people packed into Addison 101 to hear Kathy talk on "Is There Such a Thing as an Anglican Interpretation of Scripture?" She did a fine job of laying out some basic, clear points on what an Anglican approach to Scripture should look like, and used a good sense of humor. We Anglicans can't use the bumper sticker that reads, "God said it, I believe, that settles it." We are invited into a lively conversation with Scripture that has been going on long before we ever arrived on the scene. To interact with Scripture in full living color, rather than just watching in black and white, you must make use of your Hebrew and Greek. And she reminded the audience of some key points of the Articles of Religion, such as Article VII: The Old Testament is not contrary to the New: For both in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to [hu]mankind. It's hard to argue with that!


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