Jeremiah 33, continued
Here is a quote on the Jeremiah 33 lesson:
If you were to ask Jeremiah, or any of the prophets, "What does salvation look like?" they would put less emphasis on the personal experience some describe as "being saved." Instead, they would describe, besides being in right relationship with God, being in a community that is safe under God’s protection and living in a way that grants all the inhabitants of the land peaceful and just relationships with one another. They would call all that, "Shalom." That’s the salvation the prophets promised--it was a community event. At the beginning of Advent Jeremiah reminds us again what other prophets have said about God’s will for us. He reassures a people under siege that one is coming to fulfill their long-awaited "salvation." "The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah."
Thank you so much for this. I wish my field ed site had already switched to RCL! We have Zechariah, an abbreviated section of Luke (only to v. 31, whereas RCL goes a few further), and Psalm 50, which would excite me VERY much except the inserts they use only include the first six verses. AAARRRGH!
Thanks, Elizabeth. Do you know if your site will be switching to RCL sometime? It would be interesting to know the overall trend in ECUSA. I wonder if there is any way to gauge this?? ---S.
Well, the worship committee will decide if they will switch in a year or wait the maximum time (or something in between?). If I get invited (or invite myself) to the meeting, you know which way I will push. ;-)
I talked to some people serving rural churches in my diocese (Southern VA) who said they plan to wait the maximum amount of time to switch (I think that would be Advent 2010?), because they think the switch will be hard for their congregation as their lectionary books were donated in memory of departed loved ones.
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