Sunday, November 12, 2006

Query on the Sunday Blog

Help Get More OT into the Pulpit!
I've decided to change the way that I do Sunday lectionary reflections each week, and would like to solicit any advice or suggestions that you might have.

It has been called to my attention that it would be more popular and useful to use the Sunday space on this blog to launch reflections on the upcoming Sunday's lesson, rather than the present Sunday's. That way readers with preaching responsibilities could interact with the post and use the comments section as a sort of scratch pad to work on their sermons in the seven days preceding their homily. It has also been suggested that I switch to the RCL (Revised Common Lectionary) readings, since not all readers of this blog are Episcopalian and since ECUSA itself seems to be in the process of switching to the RCL.

So, this is my plan. Next Sunday, I'll be blogging from SBL and won't be able to have any lectionary reflection. The Sunday after that, it will be time to get ready for Advent season Year C, so I'll post on the RCL reading for Dec 3, which is Jeremiah 33:14-16. (For upcoming RCL readings, click here. I intend to concentrate on OT/HB and/or psalm only. As you know, I am trying to encourage more preaching on OT/HB!) (Please note that I do not intend to turn this entire blog into a homiletics blog---this just concerns the Sunday lectionary posting series that we've been doing.)

Can I please get some feedback on these plans. Am I going in the right direction with this plan? Will folks be willing to contribute to the discussion of upcoming RCL lections for preaching? Are the OT/HB lections already being adequately brainstormed elsewhere in the blogosphere, rendering my plans redundant or superfluous?


Blogger Eliz F said...

I think switching to RCL is a great idea, I know I would absolutely love to read what you write about the passages before they appear on Sundays, and once I am in a church that uses the RCL, I would also be interactive!

Sun Nov 12, 07:57:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger spankey said...

I also agree that switching to the RCL is a good idea. I think my parish is planning on changing to RCL in Advent. We use the same time-line on our lectionary blog and it seems to allow more time to reflect before sermons are being finalized.

I look forward to the conversation.

Sun Nov 12, 09:43:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger S and C said...

Hi Elizabeth and Steve, Thanks so much for your encouragement. Note to readers: The blog that Steve refers to can be found at: Are there other blogs of this nature that people know of? Is there any sort of "clearing house" for such things?? ---S

Mon Nov 13, 08:34:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger Dr. Joseph Ray Cathey said...


The tradition which I adhere to does not use the RCL but I am often asked to preach in my local church. When I am afforded this oppertunity I most often preach from the OT/HB. The people have been very open to this and are actually very eager to hear more of the OT/HB proclaimed. In my opinion most proclaimation from the OT/HB lacks in two areas - praxis and an over implementation of the NT texts. Many who proclaim from the OT/HB simply read a text and then quickly skip to the NT for application. I do not do this and when I mentor seminary students I strongly encourage them to find praxis within the OT/HB texts themselves.

While I don't use the lectionary I have often given advance notice of which texts that I will be preaching from and many times I "assign homework" for my congregants. I find that many will read the passage beforehand and have good questions that need to be answered. I don't know that any of my post helped but I hope that it struck a common cord. See you at SBL.

Mon Nov 13, 09:47:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger pmc said...


I think it is a great idea to switch to the RCL and also to do the reflections ahead of time. While there is a good deal on the web, much of it has a particular 'slant' in terms of theological perspective or other context. I have looked at resources at which has a wide variety of material, but I believe that it is rather weak in the OT/HB side of the lectionary, but there is some stuff there.

I would find your questions, reflections, and fine exegetical work to be good grist for the mill in reading, marking, and inwardly digesting the lectionary ...

Have a great, if rainy, day.


Mon Nov 13, 10:06:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger S and C said...

Hi Joe, Hi Peter,
Thanks so much to both of you! Joe, I really like your idea of asking the congregation to do some advanced reading and I'm tickled that some actually do it. I'm going to try that next time I find myself in a pulpit! ---S.

Mon Nov 13, 12:53:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Tim Bulkeley said...

I'd second most of the comments, if people (other than Catholics and apparently some Anglicans) use a lectionary it is RCL. The week before seems good timing to me, few pastors are organised further ahead than that. I am not aware of anything solid for the HB/OT/FT readings.

Mon Nov 13, 06:34:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger S and C said...

I guess the RCL is the way to go. That is probably a good thing, since it is said to give a better representation of the HB/OT/FT than the current ECUSA lectionary. ---Steve

Tue Nov 14, 09:25:00 AM GMT-5  

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