More on the Divisions Troubling the Church

Yup, I was interviewed for over an hour for a recent article that has now appeared in the Charleston Post and Courier (click here). It is a summary of the current divisions within ECUSA by reporter Adam Parker, entitled: "Episcopal Church Fractured by Different Beliefs." The article covers a lot of ground in a short space, and attempts to be ballanced. I'm not quoted, but my friend Kevin Wilson is, and this blog is listed among the resources at the bottom of the article.
Here is a brief excerpt. It quotes Rev. Jan Nunley, who questions whether those folks leaving the Episcopal Church to realign with African Anglican churches are fully prepared for what they are in for:
A realignment with the Church of Nigeria or Rwanda would likely come with a good dose of culture shock, Episcopal Church spokeswoman Nunley said. For example, the African primates were instrumental in getting a resolution passed at the 1988 Lambeth Conference condoning polygamy. And women are not allowed to be priests.
Many of those seeking realignment say the national church has oppressed them, but it's likely that one of the African churches will eventually impose its theology and practice on its American brethren, and "the constitution of the Church of Nigeria offers no possibility for appeal," Nunley said.
Well done Stephen. Remember us "little people" when your full fame arrives. And well deserved it will be.
What bothers me quite a bit is that people are seeking episcopal oversight from a bishop who supports criminal sentences for gay people who gather together or even anyone who witnesses a gay marriage ceremony. (Having just witnesses the Civil Partnership of a Nigerian friend, both my friend and I would technically be subject to imprisonment if we ever go to Nigeria.)
I totally understand thinking that "gay marriage" is not on the cards and that it's sinful. I totally understand being concerned to maintain that witness, I don't understand replacing one sin with another and saying it's OK to be under the oversight of someone who criminalises gay people. If one is going to maintain the witness that "homosexual activity is sinful", maintaining such a witness should not be done in a sinful manner.
I've worked with African Christians. They have many things to teach us white Westerners about faith. But they are no less subject to sexual sins than we are. They are not all conservative or hyperconservative theologically.
Hi Jim, Hi Pam,
Thanks for the comments!
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