You've heard it described in OT class! You try to envision it when the professor is trying to explain texts such as Judges 5:24 5:21, "The torrent Kishon swept them away, the onrushing torrent, the torrent Kishon," or texts like Amos 5:24; Psalms 18:4; 124:4; and Isaiah 30:28. But, you wish you could see it for yourself. Now, you can.
With a grateful hat-tip to Tim Bulkeley at the
SansBlogue, here is a google video of a flash flood in a wadi. Specifically, it is a flash flood in the Nahal Zin, about 60 km south of Beersheba in the Negev. To view the movie, click
That should be Judges 5:21, right?
Quite right, 5:21. ---S.
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