Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The AAR Rethinks Its Split with the SBL

According to a recent update from the Society of Biblical Literature, the American Academy of Religion board is now proposing meeting at the same time and in the same city as the SBL. Here is the text of the update:

On April 14th the AAR issued the following statement to its members:

In light of scheduling and logistical problems connected with the proposed Independent Annual Meeting, and given the views our members expressed in our recent member survey, the [AAR] Board, in its April 12, 2008 meeting, approved a recommendation that the AAR begin scheduling concurrent, yet independent Annual Meetings with the Society of Biblical Literature as soon as is feasible.


Blogger pmc said...

This is potentially very good news (in my mind). I hope to go to the next AAR, and I hope the SBL and the AAR will be held concurrently!

Thanks for posting it.

I hope you are well!


Tue Apr 29, 09:59:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That didn't take long for them to reconsider! I'm glad to hear it.

Fri May 02, 09:56:00 AM GMT-5  

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