One-Day Event: The Bible and Politics

Engaging the Bible: The Bible and Politics
We hope to address questions such as:
· How were the bible writers responding to the politics of their times?
· How can religious leaders best engage the political process while remaining true to their calling?
· What does biblical theology tell us about political engagement?
Our speakers will include:
Ron Sider, Palmer Theological Seminary, "Toward an Evangelical Political Philosophy" Professor Sider will describe his methodology for moving from biblical material through careful socio-economic analysis and illustrate how he develops the resulting political philosophy.
Julia O’Brien, Lancaster Theological Seminary
Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest “Comforting or Afflicting? Teaching and Preaching the New Testament in Election Season”
Prof. Kittredge will talk about the challenge of interpreting the language of empire and democracy in scripture and culture.
Fernando Segovia, Vanderbilt Divinity School.
This event is free and open to the public, with lunch provided at no cost. Registration is required in advance. To register, please contact Rikki Jones at or 1-800-393-0654, ext. 158. For more information, please contact Dr. Bruce Epperly at or ext. 159.
Santee Chapel
Contact Information:
Contact: Rikki Jones
Phone: 1-800-393-0654, ext. 158
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