My Review of _Approaching Yehud_, edited by Jon L. Berquist

Just received in the mail the latest issue (Vol. 71, No. 3) of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and it contains a book review I wrote of a collection of essays reflecting the latest scholarly thinking on the postexilic, Persian period of Israelite history. Take a look if you have a chance; comments welcome!
Stephen L. Cook, Review of Approaching Yehud: New Approaches to the Study of the Persian Period, edited by Jon L. Berquist, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 71 (2009) 668–70.
are you going to be in omaha for the cba meeting in a couple of weeks?
Jim, I wish I could be there; I really enjoyed the CBA meetings at Fordham this time last year. Alas, after intensive MACE-progam summer teaching and then a week teaching at the Episcopal retreat-center at Shrinemont, the cook family is heading off to Colorado and Utah for several weeks of R&R...
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