Our Students from Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti is more than just a news story here on campus. Folks from Haiti on campus are beginning to receive news of great loss from home as it slowly trickles in. One of my OT students learned yesterday that he lost one of his brothers (Frank), who was at the University in Port-au-Price. Another of my OT students just talked yesterday with his two younger brothers, who are only alive as they didn't go to school the day before. They were now outside of their home, because the house is destroyed. The school where they were supposed to be attending yesterday is gone; almost all their friends are dead. St. Vincent's School for the Handicapped was a 2009 recipient of one our Seminary's Missionary Society grants and is remembered regularly in prayers by our community at Wednesday Eucharists. Reports are that the school is destroyed. We have an Episocopal missionary to Haiti, one of my former students, on campus, who is maintaining a website with updates and the crisis in Haiti: http://www.gointotheworld.net/ Episcopal Relief & Development is already on the ground in Haiti with aid, and will continue to help with the situation for a very long time: http://www.er-d.org/
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