The Tiphil Stem of רגל (Hosea 11:3)

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While not common or even certain, a similar stem may occur in Ugaritic. In one possible case it seems to be related in some way to walking. See the verbal noun tdrq in KTU 1.18 V:11 where the word seems to mean something like "gait." The very idea that there might be a "cognate" stem form without there being a cognate root is a little mind boggling and therefore it likely shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Duane, fascinating. Thanks! --S.
how can i get a copy/print of this picture? I love it!
Isn't it a great image? I think an artist friend of mine emailed it to me quite awhile back. If you find any versions of it in higher resolution available on the web, please let us know! Peace, ---SLC
Tiphil stem adding our task to learn more about Hebrew. But only once it appears (Hos 11:3). Do you have any paradigm to differentiate all of Hebrew's stem used in the OT, Prof?
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