Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update 2: Renk, Sudan


A New Update Just in From Our Visting Teachers in Sudan: Bishop Joseph came back to Renk from Khartoum with his computer and wireless internet, so the following email update could be sent from Patrick and David, our two VTS seminarians now teaching Biblical Greek and English Grammar:

David and Patrick have tought for three days now. Their teaching is structured as follows: Mornings: English Grammar (David is teaching this week); Afternoons: Greek (Patrick is doing Greek this week, David next).

They have have been impressed with the progress the students have made with some very difficult material. Today they covered Dative and Gender. They have found that teaching English grammar in the mornings prepares the students for the Greek in the afternoon and have tailored their lessons to match well each day. For instance, today David taught/reviewed English Gender (Natural gender being the only real example), prepositional phrases and indirect objects. . . this made it relatively easy for Patrick to teach Greek gender and the Dative case.

Today they also walked to the St. Matthew's Cathedral with Jacob, the anthropology teacher, and attempted to fix the internet. Tomorrow they are going to climb up on the roof to see if they can fix the dish.

Other than that things are going very well. They are really enjoying themselves and find the students to be very brilliant and hungry for Greek. They are planning on spending their last day in class teaching the students how to use all the Greek resources in the library so they are not left in a lurch when the teachers leave (lexicons, Greek New Testament, etc.)

Saturday they hope to have a whirlwind day away from school which will include a trip to the Nile, a visit to a Cattle Camp, and some time at the Renk Market.


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