Hebrew University Team Says They've Found Herod's Tomb

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I realize that the level of science backing up one may well be much better than the other, but...I notice how I reacted to word of a documentary on the discovery of Jesus' Tomb compared now to word of the discovery of Herod's tomb. Though part of the difference is having seen much of Herod's legacy in stone from the West Wall of the Temple to Masada, I expect his tomb to be something available to be found. While if Jesus was not buried at what is now the Holy Sepulchre Church then at at least expect more aercheological evidence than name's like Yeshua and Miriam on ossuaries.
Right, this is where we would expect to find Herod's tomb since Josephus essentially told us it would be right here. The case is very different for the other tomb that you mention! ---SLC
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